While this website is intended primarily for those who are already part of the Lord of Life Lutheran church community, and for those who are interested in learning more about LOL, the nature of a website is such that anyone with a computer and Internet access can view it. We believe in the inherent good will of humanity, yet we know it is wise to protect the privacy rights of individuals. Therefore we resolve to implement the following steps in order to ensure the privacy of our members and guests:

  • We will not list private addresses, nor phone numbers on the website, unless expressly requested to do so by the individual(s) in question.

  • We will not list private e-mail addresses on this website, unless requested to do so by the individual(s) in question. The single exception to this is for FLC staff members and other volunteers, as appropriate and necessary for church business.

  • Should legal minors appear in any pictures, graphics, or other images on this website, they will not be identified by name. The minor(s) and their parents/legal guardians may request that the images be removed from the website at any time, and we will comply with that request at our earliest convenience.

  • Persons of legal majority age who appear in images on this website may be identified by full name. If they choose to have their image removed from the website, this be done by making such a request to the office at the address below.
If you have further questions or suggestions about the website's Privacy Policy, please direct them to us at feedback@lolmv.org.

The LOL Web Team

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Pacifica Synod - Marked with the cross of Christ forever Lutheran World Relief Lutheran Social Services of Southern California GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!